The Committee

President - Roy Walker
In 1986 Roy conceived the idea of organising a relay walk from John O’ Groats to Land’s End. This major event took place in 1988 with a team which comprised Roy and four senior colleagues from Tesco. They raised over £2.5 million for charity, of which £2 million was donated to Great Ormond Street Hospital. The team was awarded the Griffin trophy for their achievement. Roy was elected as President of the Association in 2004, an office he holds to this day. Roy is a true End to Ender.

Vice President - Geoff De'Ath
I completed my first LEJOG in September 1986, age 51, cycling alone with my wife Anne in support. I repeated the journey exactly 10 years later. I subsequently accepted the position of editor of Quo Vadis? My first issue was no. 38 and my final one in autumn 2013 no. 82. I was appointed Vice President and up to and including 2020.

Chair - Brian Dawson
After early retirement I was able to fulfill my ambition by planning an “off road” LEJOG. A friend, who had retired jumped at the opportunity to do "the big one", but with one condition - that I did the route planning and accommodation. My first contact was with the Route Advisor of our Association who gave me some good help. The outcome was that after a year of planning we set off and walked 1,240 miles in 49 days. My acceptance as a member in 1996 opened up a new group of people, whose fellowship I have cherished ever since.

Vice Chair and Treasurer - Russell George
Seeking a mental and physical challenge after taking early retirement in 2013, I walked JOGLE solo to raise over £17,000 for Cancer Research UK. Since completing my JOGLE I have also walked around the entirety of Wales. As Treasurer, I make sure that the Association is financially solvent and also manage the sale of merchandise to our members.

Membership Secretary - Adrian Cole
I cycled LEJOG in all weathers and loved the challenge, as a 14 year old in 1984. In 2005 I repeated the challenge but this time towed my son on a trailer bike when he was just 4!

Acting Secretary - Suzanne Longworth
In 2020 having decided to retire I thought a great way to celebrate the start of retirement would be to walk LEJOG solo and unsupported. I walked 982 miles over 64 days, unsupported. What a fantastic experience, a true adventure.

Social Secretary - Eldon Mackridge
I drove from Lands End to John O'Groats in 3 days on my 75th birthday with my wife Gladys to raise funds for the charity, Crimestoppers. With sponsorship from many organisations, Michelin was the most generous, we raised £10,000. As Social Secretary, I organise the AGM and annual awards evening as well as the Association's mid year social weekends.

Steve Athawes - Route Advisor
I completed my LEJOG on foot in 2017 and was honoured to receive the Association's "Shank's Pony" trophy that year. I wanted to challenge myself and enjoy a life-enhancing experience. I certainly achieved both objectives on my unforgettable journey".

Denise Pearson - Joint Editor Quo Vadis?
As co-editor of Quo Vadis? with my husband Ted, we raised money in 2019 for “Friends of Wolverhampton Music Service”. We raised funds for the same cause in 2023 when we completed our final JOGLE!

Ted Pearson - Joint Editor Quo Vadis?
As co-editor of Quo Vadis? with my wife Denise, we too have just celebrated our 40th anniversary of Tandeming! We cycled LEJOG in 2019 achieving a life long dream. In 2023 we cycled JOGLE inspired the crazy people we have met in the Association.

Louise George - Social Media
In 2016 we completed LEJOG by bus and train with 2 small daughters. Sadly in 2018 our daughter Jessica (age 6) died. In "JOGLE for Jessica" by bus and train with Sophie (age 6) and Thomas (age 1) and raised money for Little Hearts Matter.

Des Bass - Social Media
Having retired as a Chartered Surveyor I walked LEJOG in 83 days self supported in 2017 at the age of 61 avoiding all tarmac and roads wherever possible. Although I never set out to raise funds, offers were made of charitable donations in recognition of the walk, so I accepted contributions for Cats Protection and Macmillan nurses.

Dr Kathryn Shore - Committee Member
I walked the length of mainland Great Britain alone in seventy-six days plus two rest days from 14 March to 30 May 2013, a distance of almost 1400 miles. The expedition was an opportunity for me to face up to and overcome personal challenges in both planning and execution and so increase my own confidence and self-reliance. As in other areas of life, many of the difficulties I faced weren’t what I had expected – but I managed. It was definitely an amazing adventure.

Richard Farrant - Committee Member
I have made three cycling End to Ends, the first two (2000 and 2009) with my wife. It rained every day on the first trip starting at Lands End. The second starting at John O’Groats had better weather and was consequently much more enjoyable. The third trip in 2021 started at John O’Groats was a pilgrimage in honour of my wife who had died. With perfect weather I'm tempted to do it again in 2025 to celebrate achieving 80.

Paul Goodge - Committee Member
I walked the end to end journey covering 1,150 miles in 2017 taking 56 days and found such peace. My photograph is at the end of a very long day resting in the pub. I walked to challenge myself. Solvitur ambulando, as the classicists would say!

Nik Peksa - Committee Member
I have now cycled the journey twice over in 2023 and 2022 with my son Harry who raised money for the hedgehog charity Tiggywinkles.

Tony Bagley - Committee Member
I joined the Association having completed my first End to End journeys in a 1954 model Daimler Regency Sportsman over 7 days in 1989. I have now completed in excess of 20 journeys, several in 1 day observing all speed limits. One journey involving 3 other drivers was a challenge from a German manufacturer to test fuel consumption. Although no longer on the committee I remain committed to the Association and able to support all those thinking to complete the journey via motor transport.